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What to pack when you’re heading on a European escape

Lucky you! You're off to Europe...

Lucky you! You’re off to Europe… But with so many countries, climates and landscapes to navigate, packing to cover all your bases (and still managing to keep within the baggage limit) is challenging to say the least.

Heading overseas for a trip of a lifetime is pretty exciting stuff; stepping out of your comfort zone, seeing the world, experiencing new cultures and of course, creating amazing memories (and taking some iconic snaps) along the way. What is less exciting — well, for most people — is the pre-trip packing routine. It’s that battle between wanting enough clothes to see you through every occasion and location but knowing you’ll regret packing those three pairs of jeans as soon as you hit your first set of stairs in the Cinque Terre.
That’s why we’ve crafted up a step by step guide to ensure that you have all the things you need and none of the things you don’t for your getaway.
Read on to find out our go-to packing tips for a European escape, so you can just concentrate on having a good time:

1. Pack neutral colours and interchangeable pieces.

Although you may absolutely love that green jumper or your bright pink mini-skirt, packing neutral colours that can be mixed and matched easily with the other items in your bag is a total traveller hack. Packing items that are neutral colours such as whites, creams, blacks and greys ensure that you will be able to change and swap out your outfits with ease, wearing the same pieces in different ways and layering up various items when the temperatures drop. 

2. Take only 3 pairs of shoes.

It’s incredibly easy to want to bring along all your favourite pairs of heels, your comfortable sneakers and those running shoes you’re hopeful to wear on the idea of squeezing a sweat session in. But more often than not, most of the shoe add-ons aren’t necessary to your trip. Pack three pairs of staple shoes (four at most!) that will see you from day to night – we suggest a flat summer sandal, a comfortable pair of sneakers or walking shoes and a pair of wedges or espadrilles for when you’re heading to a nice dinner.

3. Don’t pack your largest wearable items, wear them instead.

When packing your bags, consider that every item has weight to it, so pack strategically according to this. Rather than filling your bags with heavier items like jackets, sneakers and jeans, wear them onboard your flight, as your own personal weight is not measured in comparison to your checked luggage. Also consider packing a few lighter items to layer or technical fabrics designed for warmth rather than throwing in bulky jumpers or coats.

4. Share your toiletries with your travel buddy.

Travelling with a bestie or partner? Make the most of your travel buddy and be strategic about what toiletry items each one of you is packing so that there are no double-ups. If they are bringing shampoo and conditioner, you carry the body wash – this way you both get what you need, without stockpiling on toiletries and using unnecessary baggage weight.
Lanvin A Girl in Capri

5. Pack a staple perfume that will see you from day to night.

Bringing along a delicious scent that will see you from day to night is one of the non-negotiables when packing for a European escape. Not only will it perk up your mood and give each day a sense of occasion, but when you return home from your trip, the scent will take you back and you’ll relive all the special memories you’ve created. One that we’re loving right now (and that feels super appropriate for a European vacay) is Lanvin’s newest fragrance, A Girl In Capri. It embodies everything that your getaway should be about: fun, pleasure and colour ⁠— the perfect reflection of your holiday in all senses. With notes of white flower, seaspray and musk, this is one fragrance that will instantly transport you back to those long sunshine-filled Italian days by the beach.

6. Pack items that can be worn with a dual purpose.

Even if you’re heading away for weeks, a good target when packing is one week’s worth of clothing. One week may sound scary, we know, but this ensures you get creative with what you take: pick some versatile favourites as well as items that can be used in multiple ways. For example, a long-sleeve shirt that can be used as a beach cover-up, a slip dress that can be dressed up or down or a simple maxi skirt that can also be worn as a dress when belted. This tactic also means you’ll have room in your suitcase for new items that you love and pick up along the way, as well as gifts and souvenirs. We’re sure you’ll agree that’s a far better use of space than an old pair of shorts you packed in your bag on a whim!

7. Roll your clothes and/or use packing compressor cubes to maximise space.

This trick is an oldie but a goodie. Rolling your clothes will allow you to fit more into your bag, as will a packing compressor cube. But be warned: the more items you compress, the heavier your bag, so make sure you invest in a luggage weighing scale (you can pick them up for as little as $7)  so you know what you’re working with!

Lanvin A Girl in Capri
This article is brought to you in partnership with Lanvin A Girl in Capri Eau de Toilette, available in 50ml ($95) and 30ml ($69) from Farmers other leading department stores.

Photos: Instagram, Getty Images


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