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Fashion goals to adopt in 2017

We’ve reflected on this year’s It shoes and the most fashionable weddings, but as you’ll soon realise from reading below, a fashion editor’s work is never done and her wardrobe never perfect. So with that said, we caught up with the team members who make Miss FQ tick to find out what they want to achieve fashion-wise next year

Take a colour risk

“In 2016 I undertook the fun task of swapping styles with a colourful colleague for a story. It reminded me how fun and whimsical fashion can be, which is perhaps something I needed reminding. So in 2017 I’ll be extending my usual uniform of black, white, taupe and grey and incorporating more colour and pattern and some bold shapes. I’ve started the process early actually, today I am head to toe in an orangey-red and it feels great! Being around a happy colour like orange lifts the mood and has made me feel summer has certainly arrived.”

Sally-Ann Mullin, Fashion Quarterly Editor and Miss FQ Managing Editor


Get out of your comfort zone

“Break that rut! I live in a uniform of jeans/shirts pretty much year-round, so in 2017 I’m going to ditch this combo for more feminine offerings: pencil skirts, dresses and midis, I’m looking at you.”

Kelly McAuliffe, Digital Editor 

Shop local

“My fashion new year’s resolutions, if you will, are pretty much the same every year and this year is no exception. I would like to invest in more pieces that are classic and will last me a long time. Alternative to other years, I would like to focus more on supporting local designers and/or up and coming designers in NZ.”

Jess Thomson, Miss FQ and Fashion Quarterly Fashion Assistant


Prep is key

“Despite having a wardrobe that’s bursting at the seams, I find myself defaulting to a jeans/T-shirt/heels uniform at least three days a week. This is usually because my more exciting options need ironing or mending, or I haven’t done the required body prep (tanning, hair-removal etc.) to do them justice. Therefore, I resolve to be more on top of my fashion admin in 2017. I expect my outfit game to be 100 as a result.”

Phoebe Watt, Miss FQ Associate Editor and Fashion Quarterly Features Writer


Save & reward

“Much to the head shaking of my nearest and dearest, I plan on saving up for this Gucci Dionysus bamboo handle leather tote in 2017. I know what you’re thinking: ‘With a name that long, it must be expensive!’ And you’re right. I don’t care what anyone else says; Gucci’s revival will continue into the new year and I’m hoping (financially depending) to jump on the bandwagon – or should I say ‘bagwagon’? This baby doesn’t come cheap, in fact it’s crazy pricey, but I’ve got a whole year to save, right?!”

Skye Ross, Miss FQ Digital and Associate Editor


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