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Freak out now: The first Gilmore Girls revival trailer is here!

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OMG, have we got some news to liven up your rainy Friday!

The first Gilmore Girls revival trailer is here! Yes, you heard that right, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life is set to air on November 25. We told you it was good news.

We have all been so patient, after hearing rumours last year about the return of our favs Rory, Lorelai and the team in Stars Hollows. So, now we can assure all you Gilmore Girl fans, that the countdown is officially on!

The revival will consist of four, 90 minute movies. Which is almost bitter sweet, because it’s not nearly enough! But we will take what we can get, thank you Netflix.

The revival trailer, is a small snippet of our two favourite girls, Lorelai and Rory, gossiping over coffee, of course. Lorelai asks Rory, “Do you think Amy Schumer would like me?”As she is gazing up at the ceiling, fantasising about her new hilarious BFF. To which Rory replies, “No”, bursting Lorelai’s little bubble, and explains how they could never be friends because of their opposing views on watersports.

To add to the excitement and give us another reason to love Amy Schumer. Amy tweeted back in response to the trailer, assuring that she would love Lorelai. Well of course! Who couldn’t?!

And just like that, we have fallen back into the comfortable and witty humour of the show, reminded again of our love for the characters. It hardly feels like nearly ten years has passed.

So there we go, clear your calendar for November 25th. This is definitely not one to miss!

Words: Zoe Madden-Smith


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