February horoscopes

Your horoscope for the month of February is here

What do the stars have in store?


What does your horoscope have in store?

Check out what messages the angels have for your star sign this month, from Miss FQ’s spiritual guru One Grounded Angel.

(March 21-April 19)
Emoji: fire


You know what you want, Aries, and February is the month to go get it. Your best weapons to create the life of your dreams? Your imagination, and your focus. The law of attraction is kind of like a superpower – it’s about using your thoughts to nail your #goals. Avoiding neggie thoughts – or at least, not buying into them. Because if you focus your thoughts on complaining or what you’re worried about, you’ll only keep that promotion or relationship you want at bay. Instead use that fiyah Aries energy to focus on how you want your life to look, and ask the Universe to help you make it happen.

As an independent Aries you probably aren’t great at working with others, but partnerships are being highlighted for you RN, so think about how others can help you, especially if you’re launching your own business or side hustle (hello, collab!). Use the law of attraction: focus on the type of people you want in your squad, to work with or play with. You might find friendships or relationships that have turned toxic could fall away – particularly around the full moon eclipse on February 11 – but that’s a good thing, as it creates room for new peeps.

(April 20-May 20)
Emoji: pink heart


This is not a time for being judgey, Taurus. The angels are reminding you that we all make mistakes, so try to give other people the benefit of the doubt. Someone pulled in front of you in traffic? Maybe their mum is really sick so they’re distracted. Someone bitched about you behind your back? Maybe they’re feeling crap about themselves. Not exactly an excuse for their bad choices, but if you can remember we’re all human, you might find it easier to make like Elsa and let it go (let it gooooo).

To get through conflicts, tensions and other drama, try to remember that everyone has a heart and deserves love. That doesn’t mean you should accept bad behaviour from anyone, obvs, but try not to condemn anyone right off the bat. This will be particularly important on February 11 when the Leo full moon lights up your fourth house, which is all about home life. So you could find yourself clashing with a flatmate or family member, most likely a female. Your best game plan: understanding. That may be a challenge for stubborn Taureans, but remember that being angry at someone for a long time is like swallowing poison and expecting them to die… you only hurt yourself. Don’t be a hater.

(May 21-June 21)
Emoji: paint palette


Although Geminis are naturally creative, when it comes to starting something new, they tend to come down with a serious case of CBF. Easily bored and very distractable, Geminis are not exactly known for slaying procrastination. But that’s the challenge the Universe is laying down for you in February, Gemini. What have you been putting off: Starting a blog? Enrolling in a hip-hop class? Selling homemade jewellery on Etsy? It’s easy to dismiss an idea because you don’t think you’re good enough but try to focus on the process rather than the product. If you enjoy icing cupcakes but think they don’t look Insty-worthy, make them anyway – don’t let your ideas about perfection get in the way. Engaging the creative part of your brain is going to bring you much more happiness than any Netflix binge (not that there’s anything wrong with that, BTW).

Big ideas are most likely between February 9-25 when the savvy planet Mercury is in your ninth house (all about expansion) – so this is totes a time for pushing yourself. #motivation

Creativity can help your love life, too – be creative in your approach to dating, or spark up your relationship by doing something creative together, maybe taking a course or making travel plans (perf day to do this: February 11).

(June 22-July 22)
Emoji: man and woman love-heart


How’s your love life, Cancer? If you and bae have been going through a tough time, fear not – you’re coming out of the woods (thanks, Tay Tay). Any tensions or confusion around your relationship will settle down. This isn’t going to happen overnight (soz), but trust that you are slowly heading towards greater harmony in your relationship.

If you’re single, the Universe has a boring but powerful reminder for you: your primary relationship is not with a partner but with yourself. If you keep attracting dates who are just not that invested in you, then that’s a sign that you’re not invested enough in yourself. When you respect yourself, you attract others who respect you. Truth bomb: learning how to make yourself happy is the best way to break the cycle of bad relationships (bonus: it also increases your attractiveness to potential partners… because neediness is never sexy).

Speaking of sexy, February is a great time to focus on what you desire. With Mercury (the planet of communication) in your eighth house (your sex life), talk to bae about what you want, what you really really want in the bedroom. Or maybe just send them some sexy Snapchats – sometimes actions speak louder than words.

(July 23-August 22)
Emoji: girl on laptop


Sorry to sound like your dad, but what are you actually doing with your life, Leo? Is your job making you happy and fulfilled or just miserable and exhausted? Are you still emotionally invested in your career path or are you just kind of going through the motions?

If you’ve been considering changing your career, channel that natural Leo confidence and go for it. Leos do tend to shine brightest when they’re doing their own thing, so if you’re keen to start a new business or side hustle, the lunar eclipse on February 11 (conveniently, in the sign of Leo) will put you right in the spotlight #winning.

Got ZERO CLUE about your life purpose? The best way to figure it out is to focus on where your talents and passions lie. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic life change. Maybe you love animals – instead of quitting your job and studying vet science, you could just volunteer at an animal rescue charity on Saturdays.

Finally, a reminder from the Universe: you don’t have to have it all figured out RN – you just have to start. Everything will unfold in the fullness of time, grasshopper.

(August 23-September 22)
Emoji: wave


Ever notice how much better you feel after being near, or in, the ocean? That’s because the ocean has healing powers – especially when you’re feeling all the feels. And healing is a big theme for you this year, Virgo, so it’s time to stop posting about #fitspo and actually become #fitspo – on the inside and out. If you’ve been thinking about doing a detox, go for it; if that’s too extreme for you, committing to drinking more water every day would be massively beneficial. Remember, it isn’t really about how you look, it’s about how you feel.

Setting health and fitness goals is all well and good – but don’t neglect your emotional health. Where are you hurting? Maybe you’re carrying around the pain of a long-running feud with a family member. Maybe you’ve battled body insecurities all your life. Whatever it is, the Universe is prompting you to put down your emotional baggage. The lunar eclipse on February 11 – a powerful time for all signs – is hitting Virgos in the 12th house, which is the area of healing, closure and release. You could be prompted to finally stop hating the guy who broke your heart or to leave a dead-end relationship, perhaps.

(September 23-October 23)
Emoji: gift


Time to put your friendships under the microscope, Libra. If there’s anyone taking advantage of your kindness, dumping all their problems on you but never making time for you to bitch about yours, or not paying their fair share at the bar, that friendship is not a healthy friendship. It’s totes OK for a friend to need more of your time if she’s going through a rough patch, but if this take-take-take and no give-give-give thing is standard, she’s taking the piss.

February 27, the solar eclipse, is the perfect time to say ‘bye Felicia’ to any friendships that have become unhealthy. Librans detest conflict, so saying ‘no’ to someone can be difficult. But Libra, this is a gift you can give yourself: freedom from a relationship that has turned nasty (a freedom you totally deserve). And when you let something go, you create space for the Universe to send you something better (um, yes please!).

BTW, are you giving enough time and energy to yourself, Libra? Running yourself ragged pleasing the boss, the family and the squad might mean you’ve neglected yourself. Book a self-care date – think: duvet + Netflix + Doritos + you… you get the idea.

(October 24-November 21)
Emoji: thought bubble


Your subconscious is totally on point RN, so pay attention to any ideas that come to you via vivid dreams or daydreams. Not the weird kind of dreams, the vivid ones that just ~make sense~. (Tip: leave a cute notebook by your bed so you can write down important dreams as soon as you wake.) These are bursts of creative inspo that’ll help you make good life choices. Kinda like Snapchats from your angel squad.

With your intuition so strong, you’ll be good at picking up on pointers from the Universe – e.g. who to trust (and more importantly, who not to) and where to go. Unforch, control-freaky Scorpios aren’t always good at trusting those cues. But this is not a time for second-guessing the Universe. Going with the flow, instead of trying to take charge, is your best MO. This might cause frustration that things aren’t happening at the speed you’d like, but try to understand that the Universe is playing a long game.

BTW your creativity is flowing like money out of a Kardashian bank account, so if you’ve always wanted to write a book or take an art class, get cracking. As with everything this month, your intuition will provide the inspo.

(November 22-December 21)
Emoji: watch or clock


Your moment to shine, Sag. The time is right to leap into new romances, new jobs, new cities and other shiny opportunities. Given that Sagittarians are not exactly known for being patient, this news will be pretty welcome. The worst thing you could do right now is delay – so if you’re holding back out of fear, please know that the past does not determine your present. Just because you’ve got a relationship track record like your fellow Sagittarian Taylor Swift, for example, doesn’t mean every romance is destined to end in tears.

Another thing to know: you don’t need to see the whole picture just yet, so don’t worry if you don’t have that business plan or holiday itinerary completely mapped out. Just leap in – the Universe will show you the next step.

Have you been thinking about going to uni or doing a short-term course? The full moon on February 11 is highlighting your learning sector, so smarten up by registering for classes around this date. Also highlighted: travel, publishing and entrepreneurship. So if those have been on your radar for 2017, get going. If you’ve got a message to share with the world – it could be anything from how to nail eyeshadow trends to how to lure in more Insty followers – step into the spotlight this month.

(December 22-January 19)
Emoji: Gift-wrapped heart


Too much werk, too little play? Your career ambition is admirable, Cappy, but you’ve been neglecting your personal life for waaaay too long. Can you even remember the last time you had a heart-to-heart convo with your sister, best mate or partner? The idea of sharing emotions can make Capricorns uncomfortable, but when you shut off your heart, you make it hard for people to feel close to you. Make sure it’s not a past heartbreak or grief that has you trying to protect your heart. If that’s your story, know that it’s safe to let that pain go and to open your heart now.

Valentine’s Day and the February 11 lunar eclipse are when the Universe will really put you under pressure to ditch the robot act and open up to that someone special. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll find that sharing your deepest fears and emotions will help deepen your lurve – and things could get real serious between you two. And singles, by opening up you could shift someone from crush to bae.

A warning: don’t mistake sharing your emotions for sharing your grievances. If someone has pissed you off, choose your words carefully or you could damage the relationship (particularly around February 22 and 27).

(January 20-February 18)
Emoji: tree


At the risk of sounding boring, you need to calm the f**k down. Aquarians have a tendency to get swept up in crazy ideas, but they aren’t always good at finishing what they start. Your energy has been way too scattered lately, and it’s starting to take a toll on your wellbeing and your closest relationships. The Universe wants you to pace yourself and allow space to integrate all the changes you’ve been through lately. Finish off that online course you started, or actually use that cookbook you bought but never opened.

You may have been neglecting your squad and your family lately, so make a point of spending less time online and more time connecting with peeps IRL. You’ve probably been neglecting your body, too, so resolve to cut back on the junk food and to get back to nourishing fruits and vegetables. Even better, spend time out among nature and doing gentle activities such as yoga or barre.

Speaking of health, towards the end of the month, you’ll have the opportunity to make some lifestyle changes that’ll set you up for an uber-successful 2017 – think: nutrition and fitness plans as well as budgets (boring but important).

(February 19-March 20)
Emoji: lemon


Uh-oh. Have you been overdoing the alcohol lately? Social smoking on the reg? Has your daily coffee crept up to three a day? The angels aren’t judging you, but they are asking you to take control of these habits that may be impacting on your physical, mental and emotional health. To rein them in, look at what’s causing you to overdo it… are you more dependent on coffee RN because your energy is low? Cancel weekend plans and make sleep your priority. Reaching for the cigs to calm down after your boss breathed down your neck? Time to address your workload.

You’ll likely find you’re more sensitive to booze etc around the February 11 lunar eclipse, which is showing up in your sixth house – the astrological sector of wellbeing. So taking charge of your health is totes important this month. A detox would be super helpful – not a crazy juice cleanse, more like a realistic eating plan that cuts out excessive amounts of processed foods.

BTW toxins come in human form, too. Are you spending time with whingers and neggie-types? Research shows you can ‘catch’ a bad mood, so try to limit your exposure to those the-world-is-against-me people. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Check out One Grounded Angel on Instagram and FacebookTo book a personal angel card reading, visit One Grounded Angel.
Illustrations: Bonnie Brown | @bonniembrown


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