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Nike launches groundbreaking first ever ad starring a transgender athlete

Woohoo Nike! 

Sportwear giant, Nike have just established themselves as an unparalleled, pro-equality sportwear brand with their very first commercial featuring a hella inspiring transgender athlete.
Meet, Chris Mosier, a 32-year-old duathlete in Team USA. The commercial titled “Unlimited Courage”, raises awareness about the struggle transgender individuals go through in order to achieve their goal.
Since 2004, transgender athletes have been allowed to compete in the Olympic games, ONLY if they had undergone surgery, 2 years of hormone therapy and supplied official legal documents classifying them as their chosen gender. Whaaat?! Crazy, right?
But! The International Olympic Committee finally got a reality check in January. Updating their regulations, which now allows athletes who have transitioned from female to male to compete in the games, without needing to have had gender reassignment surgery.  We think this is the ultimate win!
“Being the first trans man on a U.S. men’s national team was a dream come true for me,” Mosier said in his statement. Nike is once again enforcing their ‘never give up’ mindset, but this time it’s a little more convincing.  

Words: Zoe Madden-Smith


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