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NZers rally together for #MyBodyMyTerms

Making us proud to be Kiwis, these influential celebs are fighting for the issues around sexual consent.

Breakers star Alex Pledger, famed NZ chef Michael Meredith, entertainer Guy Williams and actors Teuila Blakely, Frankie Adams and Reuben Milner (yep, he was in our top 12 for CLEO Midori Bachelor of the year 2015) are some of the influential New Zealanders who are advocates for the #MyBodyMyTerms campaign whose video launched today.
According to their website, the campaign is setting out to “Talk about the hard stuff. Revenge porn, sexual assault, victim-blaming and consent.” Their message is simple yet powerful; it’s your body, your terms. End of.
If you want to get involved to share the word, you can take tag your friends in, or share our Facebook post, visit the website or share a selfie with the hashtag #MyBodyMyTerms.
If you or someone you know needs help with bullying, sexual assault, rape, violence or revenge porn, you can reach out to these places for help or support:
24/7 Helpline: (09) 623 1700
National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together – Te Ohaakii a Hine:
0800 88 33 00
Victim Support NZ:
0800 842 846
0800 376 633


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