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Our shortcuts to smooth, hair-free summer skin over the coming months

Our shortcuts to smooth summer skin over the coming months

Our shortcuts to smooth, hair-free summer skin over the coming months

When time is limited but there is no way you can compromise this part of your beauty routine.

We’re not sure about you, but come summer, we’re all about low maintenance beauty, especially when it comes to grooming. Who wants to be spending hours and hours in a salon anyway, when the sun is shining outside and there is beach time to be had?! With this in mind, we’ve cooked up four different scenarios that tend to happen throughout summer, with varying preparation times and unique challenges for each, and how we’d get ready in a jiffy thanks to Veet’s full range of hair removal products, leaving us party or beach-ready in no time!

Whether you’re headed to the beach or a barbecue, here’s the Veet hair removal solution we’d suggest for each situation.

Veet Beauty StylerWhen you’ve only got 30 minutes before you plan to hit the beach…
Use: Veet Sensitive Precision Beauty Styler.

It’s definitely our prerogative to keep our hair and body as natural as possible throughout summer, so we’re not fussing and spending time layering on makeup or curling our hair, only to have it all melt off within minutes of venturing outside. However, this ‘low key’ strategy goes straight out the window when a spontaneous beach trip arises, and it’s often not until you’re on the sand and in your togs that you realise – oops, you haven’t tended to your bikini line in months…

Whether you like a full Brazilian or prefer to go more au naturel, we’re sure you’ll agree there’s something about stray hair sprawling from the edge of a swimsuit that is just not massively comfortable for some people – we’ve all internalised societal beauty standards to some degree, and everyone has a different preference for their appearance, as is their right.

Whatever your preference, this trimmer will be your saving grace, allowing for a quick touch up of any “overgrown” areas without having to jump in the shower or expose sensitive, freshly razor-ed skin to the elements of sun, sand and saltwater. It’s pretty easy to use too, thanks to the cutting blades not being able to touch the skin, so no fear of cuts!

When you’ve only got 1 hour before you have to be at a summer barbeque…
Use: Veet Easy-Gel Legs Wax Strips.

When the weather is great it’s not a rarity to have a last minute invite roll in. One of the typical scrambly invites is from friends throwing a BBQ that will kick on ’til late, AKA the perfect excuse to wear your new playsuit or tiny sundress. Don’t have an outfit sorted? There’s just enough time to go shopping. Except to make the most of outfit you need silky smooth pins and yours are decidedly… not. While you’re out, pick up a pack of Veet Easy-Gel Legs Wax Strips and deal with the growth in minutes.

As there’s no faff with heating and spreading wax, Veet Easy-Gel Legs Wax Strips are super portable – you could probably use them in your car if you had to! The wax comes pre-spread on thin strips. All you need to do is just peel them apart, smooth on to your legs, underarms, bikini line or arms, and then pull the strip back on itself as quickly as you can to remove, taking any hair with it.

In terms of the pain factor, it’s like plucking your eyebrows, the more you do it, the less you even notice! The major upside is that you don’t need to deal with the admin of shaving every day: regrowth takes much longer when you’re waxing as it removes hair from the root.

When you’ve only got 2 hours until your best friend’s wedding…
Use: Veet Hair Removal Cream for sensitive skin.

The festive season is here, beauty therapists have been booked out months in advance, your underarms have been neglected for weeks and… oh cripes, you’re wearing a strapless dress to your best friend’s summer wedding… Send help!

In our opinion, the best summer beauty hacks are the ones that save not only time and effort, but also money. Veet’s hair removal cream is our go-to for smooth skin and the sensitive formula means it is perfect for a range of skin types. It leaves your skin feeling silky smooth – plus, without the need for daily shaving, you’ll save yourself plenty of time, which we all need come summer with a booked out social calendar. So when you’ve got 24 hours to get ready for a summer wedding, the sensitive skin hair removal cream from Veet is our go-to when getting ready in a hurry and when we want to make minimum fuss.

When you’ve only got 24 hours until you’re leaving for a week-long camping trip…
Use: Veet Warm Wax – Gentle Formula

So you’ve decided you’re going to do it. You’re going to go camping. You’ve done all the prep and bought the comfiest, most luxe airbed out. You’ve stocked up on avocados ’cause like hell you’re going to be without your avo on toast each morning. The one thing you haven’t quite worked out is how you’re going to keep your skin silky smooth while you’re living the lo-fi life in the wilderness or beside the beach.

That’s where Veet’s Warm Wax comes in. Simply heat the wax in the microwave or in boiling water (there is a handy temperature indicator on the spatula which will tell you if the wax is too hot to use so no risk of burning yourself), apply to the area you wish to remove hair from, press on the strips and remove quickly. It’s as easy as that! And you’ll be left with smooth skin that won’t need to deal to again for quite some time. If that’s not the most perfectly low maintenance summer beauty routine, we don’t know what is!

This article is brought to you in partnership with Veet, available at Chemist Warehouse, supermarkets and selected pharmacies. To discover the full range of Veet hair removal products, visit

Photos: Olivia Renouf and Supplied


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