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Chrissy Teigen's lazy-girl makeup hack - Miss FQ

The Chrissy Teigen lazy-girl makeup hack you need to know

Chrissy Teigen's lazy-girl makeup hack - Miss FQ

When the makeup artist responsible for clapback queen Chrissy Teigen’s glowing complexion spills her skin secrets, we sit up and listen.

When rushing from desk to dinner date, there’s very little time to reapply a fresh face of makeup despite that whatever you applied eight hours earlier has now vanished from your face. And to be honest, who can be bothered to wipe it off and start again? Not us, and apparently, not Chrissy Teigen.

The makeup artist behind Chrissy’s glowing complexion spoke with E! News recently and spilled one very accessible beauty trick that will change the way you get ready for a night out.

Real-girl Chrissy is forever reminding her dedicated fan following that her flawless appearance is not a blessed product of “I woke up like this”; rather, a team of highly trained, experienced professionals.

One of those professionals is celebrity makeup artist Mary Phillips whose little black book also lists superstars Jennifer Lopez and the Kardashian-Jenner family.

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According to Phillips, when refreshing your complexion for a night out, you definitely do not need to apply a new full face of makeup and risk that ‘caked on’ look that happens when you add another layer.

“When my clients are wearing makeup for shows, music videos or long-day photo shoots, they are wearing makeup for a long time. It’s really important to keep the makeup looking just as it was when you put it on for the first time,” Phillips explained to E! News.

“One trick I really like to do is take the Crème de la Mer – and this is a great trick if you get home and want to go out and don’t want to shower and what not – and a hydrating mist, using a bit of the crème on a foundation brush, and going over your makeup.”

“It rehydrates the skin.”

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Phillips says moisturiser combined with a mist reinvigorates any product that has previously been applied to the skin. The additional moisture will make blending any additional touch-up makeup easier plus, you’ll avoid a caked-on finish.

“Then add a bit more foundation and concealer and it really is night and day,” adds Phillips. “Your skin is fresh again.”

Phillips is an ambassador for luxury skincare brand la Mer, whose product retails for $242 for a 30ml tub. While many of us will not be running out to purchase this particular moisturiser, we can still make use of this beauty tip with our own daily moisturiser and hydrating mist to achieve the same effect.

So the next time the office bathroom mirror is reflecting a dull and tired-looking complexion: mist, moisturise, touch-up and hit the town looking as fresh Teigen.

This article originally appeared on


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