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This video of a dad narrating his daughter’s makeup tutorial will make your day

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Megan Michell is a sweet 13-year-old from California who started her YouTube channel in August.

She told BuzzFeed News that she’s “always loved doing makeup,” and decided one day to get her dad involved in her pastime where he narrated one of her makeup tutorials.

The video (above), which has now been seen over 360,000 times, is so #dadjoke it’s HILARIOUS.

Like, he will seriously have you in a fit of giggles, especially if you’re a makeup obsessive and know exactly what the products are and how they work.

“Then you wanna do three little lines right up here for health, wealth and happiness.” WE. DIE.

“He thinks that I have way too much makeup and spend way too much time on that kind of stuff,” Megan told BuzzFeed News. “But I think overall he’s proud that I do it as a hobby and not because I’m insecure or anything.”


You can find the entire video here.


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