Daenerys and Khal Moro

Watch Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Moro bust a rap to Tupac

This vid is giving us LIFE.
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If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to see the Mother of Dragons bust a move to Tupac (oh, while Khal Moro raps along), then all of your prayers have been answered.

Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones, just posted this video to her Instagram account and it is giving us LIFE.

Emilia and Khal Moro actor Joe Naufahu sing and dance along to Tupac Shakur’s 90s classic ‘All About You’ as they filmed overnight scenes for the latest series of GoT.

Wearing her platinum blonde Khaleesi wig with a blue hairnet over the top, she captioned the video: “But did the three eyed Raven see THIS?!! #tbt Conquering night shoots one 2pac Classic at a time.. 💪🏻 #ifwehaddothrakiinthe90syouknowitwouldvemadeitswaytobiggy #dontbefooledbythebluehairnetdiskhalessimeanbusiness… 👊”

While we’re loving the rap-port (ha, geddit?) between the two IRL, it’s just too bad their characters couldn’t see eye to eye on the show…

Photos/video: instagram.com/emilia_clarke


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