forbes millennials girlboss

Why Forbes is telling millennials to stop following their dreams


It sounds damn right depressing, but does the top dog American business mag have a point?

What ever happened to “You do you, girl”? Are we supposed to stop our millennial peers from going after what they want?

We’ve all grown up under the mentality of being told to follow our dreams, to turn a hobby or something we love into a career, to hustle so hard until we’ve found that classic “find a job you love and you’ll never have to work another day in your life” career situation.

The business powerhouse is still urging millennials to find a career path that they enjoy, however they also suggest we do this while consciously keeping in mind the reality of these career paths in terms of salary earnings and career progression. Sounds sensible!

Millennials are beginning to venture out into the business world earlier than their previous generation and are making some crucial mistakes in their early 20s that cause some seriously stressful long term financial suffering. Basically, we’re all quitting our day jobs before our side hustle becomes successful. Eek!

A similar discussion by Ewan Sargent from stated that “doing something to pay the bills helps you do the things you love. If you don’t have enough economic reality in these decisions, you will be unhappy. You will be stressed, you won’t have options, you will never own a home and that stuff is what depresses people. Or you will work hard, but never get enough to progress.”

So basically, it comes down to finding the right balance of chasing your dream career while still keeping two feet on the ground to ensure that you can pay your rent each week!

So how can this be managed? The secret is to learn the art of the side hustle. Forbes suggests millennial entrepreneurs looking to develop start-ups to keep their day job and to work the extra hours and weekends on what they deem to be their ‘dream career’.

This way, you can keep on top of your rent, pay for that much needed cut and colour and most importantly, develop yourself to be the ultimate #boss at the same time.

Photo: Getty Images
Words: Ash Owens | @ashowens_


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