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5 minutes with top model Mary Maguet during NZFW


21-year-old model Mary Maguet is a NZ Fashion Week favourite.

We caught up with the Sudan-born Kenyan model on her last day of NZFW before she jets back home to Melbourne to walk the Spring shows.

You are a fashion week favourite, what season is this for you?
Season three officially, because the previous year I could only do one show because of high school, so this is season three!

What does it feel like coming back this season and what does fashion week mean to you?
I feel like it is coming home and hanging out with people that I know and catching up and just having a good time really and showcasing the amazing designs on offer and seeing new styles and I love getting some fresh new style ideas for myself as well, which is cool.

Which shows did you walk in at NZFW?
I walked in Harman Grubisa, Adrian Hailwood, Stolen Girlfriends Club…

Gang gang @rpdmodels #nzfw

A photo posted by Mary Maguet (@pinkishlymojotastic) on

Your gold dress in the Hailwood show was amazing!
It was such a cool show, I really loved the choir that was there, it was so cool and really different and it was almost like…when I was watching the girls walk it almost seemed like they were walking in the streets of Milan or something, it was beautiful!

Show time @Hailwood

A photo posted by hailwood (@hailwood) on

What other shows have you walked in?
I did Jimmy D for K Road, the Resene designer show, Trelise Cooper, Andrea Moore and Ponsonby Presents and I also walked in the graduate show.

Could you believe those little girls made those bags?
I know, I was like how could you be so talented! Even when I was thirteen I couldn’t make anything!

I think we could be best friends @trelisecooper 😘

A photo posted by Mary Maguet (@pinkishlymojotastic) on

What NZ designers do you love right now?
I have a very different style, so sometimes I’m a little street in the hood and I like Stolen Girlfriends and then times I want to look pretty and chic and cool and I will do Adrian Hailwood, and Trelise Cooper is like the pretty gowns and I just like everyone in general and I think there is a new vibe around which is nice!

Who are you loving on Instagram right now?
One of the New Zealand bloggers Nick, she is so cool, I really like her style. And Skepta, he’s a rapper, and to be honest he wears more casual clothes and tracksuits so I am really inspired by him and his street style and how he like just doesn’t care almost but then he does care and he adds a little big of a chain with a little bit of a gangster twist and I’m like ‘ohhh I like that!’ So I’m really into that and I’m very street and a little bit grungy and little bit hip hop.

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Music – who are you loving right now?
Ohhh, Skepta….(laughs)…shout out! ASAP Ferg and there is this video called Yamborghini High and the clip is amazing, all they are doing is basically wearing these bright colours and they are matching with their Lamborghinis and they are dancing around and it is so cool and trippy.  And at the moment I am really loving ASAP Ferg’s style and everything and I’m exploring that side now. Style wise I don’t really have any girl stylists that I like, for some reason I always tend to like the masculine but the not so masculine vibe but style, I like being a little bit hood sometimes.

What is your beauty routine and what products do you use?
I’m a Trilogy advocate. I love them with a passion.

Me too, like rosehip oil amazing!
Oh my god, like my whole life changed when I discovered rosehip oil and apparently it is going to run out soon because people are using so much of it and I’m like what am I going to do! But lately for the last two months I have been using coconut oil so I would use the moisturising face cleanser by trilogy and any coconut oil on my face and it has made my skin a lot more glowly and fresh and everything! So coconut oil has been one of those products that has definitely changed my life as well as rosehip oil!

You have the most beautiful hair in the world, tell me your hair beauty secrets!
So since I have curly hair I like to use this Jamaican shampoo which locks in so much moisture into my hair so I use that and it has caster oil in it which is apparently amazing for your hair. It is like the best thing on earth, especially for my hair, I washed my hair the other day and the curls were just perfect and I’m like ohhhh I feel like an angel!

Twenty Sixteen #nzfw

A photo posted by Mary Maguet (@pinkishlymojotastic) on

Are you a heels or a sneakers girl?
Half, half! There are days when I like to wear sneakers and then there are days I like to wear heels, but I’m more loafers really, I kind of like looking like a grandpa sometimes and being comfortable!

What fashion sites are you going on right now?
I would say Instagram and I have people I like such as skepta and my friends and family but I think im more of a snapchat because I always like to see what people are doing.

What are you going to do now the week is over?
Oh my gosh, it is going back to Melbourne now, I live in Melbourne now and doing the Melbourne spring fashion festival and a swimwear show and then I’m going to hang out with my family again., people mean a lot to me.

Partner in crime 💕 #adrianhailwood

A photo posted by Mary Maguet (@pinkishlymojotastic) on

Do your family live in Melbourne?
Yeah, all my family live in Melbourne and all my friends like here, so half my life is here and half my life is back in Melbourne.

Who do you look to for street style inspiration?
I feel like I am one of those models who doesn’t follow fashion, like there is no one designer who I could pin point and say that’s my look, for me I like more watch movies and I really like the styling in it say from 90s and I’ll be ohhh I like I really like that vest jacket so I’ll go out and buy it or something similar and I’ll recreate it. So I don’t really like to be told what to wear so I just like to do what I wana wear and what I think is cool and something that nobody else has.

Bon Voyage! #MaryMaguet @pinkishlymojotastic @rpdmodels Safe Travels Beautiful! 💙💙💙 ✈️

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What’s your ultimate holiday destination?
I would say New Zealand to be honest, New Zealand is so bomb, you’ve got the beaches and you can go to the mountains I think NZ is the best holiday place you can ever go to! People are really nice and everyone is so sweet and lovely and I guess I lived here for so long, since I was two-years-old and coming back now, I moved to Melbourne like a month ago,  I experience what a tourist would feel and I’m like this is so cool!

Words: Nathalie Owen
Photos: Instagram


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