Comic writer reveals that Wonder Woman is “obviously” gay

It’s official, the writer of the reborn Wonder Woman has revealed the character is gay

Although some haters are taking it as a shock to system because she is the first major superhero who isn’t heterosexual, true fans of the saga are hardly surprised.

After all, Wonder Woman is from a fictional all-female island nation of Themyscira. Uh, hello!

Comic book writer, Greg Rucka told Comicosity that she has “obviously been in love and had relationships with other women”.

While the comic has never explicitly ‘outed’ Diana of Themyscira as bisexual, the story has definitely alluded to the possibility.  

Many Wonder Woman worshipers have embraced the sexuality unveiling on social media:

Rucka also revealed that he doesn’t plan on closing the door on a potential male romantic relationship with Steve Trevor, one of Wonder Woman’s lovers in other incarnations of the character. He does believe that if Diana is only attracted to men, her character becomes predictable.

Ya know, girl meets guy, girl falls madly in love and leaves her world (Themyscira) behind in order to become part of his.

“I believe that diminishes her heroism,” he told Comicosity. “She doesn’t leave because of Steve. She leaves because she wants to see the world and somebody must go and do this thing. And she has resolved it must be her to make this sacrifice.”

Quite frankly, Wonder Woman is way cooler than someone who is only motivated by romantic desire. She kicks ass too!

Wonder Woman arrived back on screen this year in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and another independent film starring Gadot, Robin Wright and Chris Pine, is on its way to cinemas by June 2017.

Gay, straight or bisexual we are pumped for another awesome superhero movie featuring Wonder Woman!

Words: Zoe Madden-Smith


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