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RIP Kendall Jenner’s Instagram page

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Having served for so long as everyone’s Instagram idol, Kendall has hung up her filters.

Yep, it’s all gone. Check the link – we swear, nothing remains to be seen of the supermodel’s social media account.

Of course she theoretically could decide to come back at any moment, just as Justin Bieber did eventually, but it doesn’t sound as if she wants to!

The Kardashian fam recently went on holiday to Thailand and though Kendall was loving it, she was frustrated by her younger sister’s technology addiction.

“It was the first time we had ever been to this beautiful place, and we were sitting in a car. I was just zoning out, taking it all in. And Kylie wouldn’t put her phone down. I’m like, ‘That’s so crazy to me that you’re not experiencing this.’ That was the moment it kind of clicked for me. And I didn’t like it. So sometimes I delete Instagram or Twitter or Snapchat off my phone for a couple days,” she told Allure in their September issue.

Well it’s been a lot longer than a ‘couple of days’ Kendall!

“I think social media has taken over for our generation. I hate it sometimes, like, I literally want to throw my phone so I can’t look at it,” she said to The Sunday Times back in June. “It’s all a made-up world if you think about it. Social media, everything, this interview, everything. It’s not real. It’s pretty crazy.”

The picture that reigned supreme as the most popular picture on Instagram (until May 2016) with 3,561,311 likes.

We get what she’s saying but there’s no reason we can’t all add a bit more ‘reality’ to our online personas, right?

We really hope she doesn’t convince Kylie of this Matrix-esque idea. Or the Hadid sisters for that matter…

In fact, we hope she forgets that idea and returns to the ‘gram soon.

In the mean time, check out the video above for the best of the Instagram account Kendall formerly tended to.

Words: Alex Blackwood


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