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Max Key’s newest video: “I think I was trying to fit into a group that wasn’t actually me”

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You might love his Instagram, but is that the real Max Key?

In case Max Key’s music video for his single ‘Paradise’ wasn’t enough for one year, a six-minute-long video of the former PM’s son, A Day in the Life: Max Key was released yesterday promoting education consultancy company, Crimson Consulting who he works for.

In the video, there’s backflips into his private Parnell pool Jay-Alvarez-styles, and drone footage of him revving up his VW Golf as he makes his way to Auckland Uni – you know, normal 21-year-old stuff.

But as we’ve seen in previous videos, and many, many Instagrams, Max Key’s life has always been unapologetically extravagant.

What’s unusual though, is his candid, honest answers about how he’s changed over the past few years, growing up in the public eye.

A photo posted by ⠀⠀⠀M A X K E Y (@maxkey_) on

“I think I’m more me now than I was a few years ago. I think every kid, when they’re 18, doesn’t really know who they are or know what they want to be,” he says.

“I think I was trying to fit into a group that wasn’t actually me. Now I’ve got a smaller and a bit closer group of friends than I did. You know, they keep me more on the straight and narrow.

“Everyone when they’re 18 portrays someone they’re not really. It’s hard to really be yourself at that age,” he continues.

“I’ve been working really hard the last year to change my persona. Doing a lot of charity work, for a brand called Netsafe, trying to help with online bullying.”

He’s also “trying to not care as much” about how he looks and how he posts on Instagram. He’s trying to “just chill out.”

Whatever your opinion of Max Key, student/DJ/young professional slashie, you’ve got to admire his honesty. Afterall, we all know being 18 ain’t easy, right?!

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