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This Spike Jonze perfume ad is just insane

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As far as perfume ads go, this Spike Jonze-directed clip, might just be the best one ever.

While it’s obviously a ‘commercial’, it looks way more like a short film. Featuring dancer and actor Margaret Qualley, daughter of Andie McDowell, it’s a totally over-the-top one women dance off – Qualley versus BOREDOM.

Dancing, of course, wins every time, and Qualley’s got the moves to prove it.

Kenzo dancing

She doesn’t caress any perfume bottles, and there’s no murmuring softy about the fragrance’s ‘elusive’ qualities.

Instead there’s a kind of mental mayhem – wild dancing, statue licking and lasers being fired from fingers which, we think,  says so much more about the perfume, than any dialogue ever could

The director, known for his weird and wonderful work on Being John Malkovich, Her and Where the Wild Things Are, sets Qualley’s performance to the crazy beat of Mutant Brain by Sam Spiegel and Ape Drums.

Kenzo perfume lasers

It is reminiscent of Jonze’s earlier film clip for Fatboy Slim’s Weapon of Choice featuring Christopher Walken dancing through an empty building.

And the result? A commercial that looks more like a music video and will probably redefine the entire genre from here on out.

That’s what we hope anyway.

More importantly, do we want to try Kenzo World after seeing this ad?

You bet.


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